One of the keys to a solid golf swing is a level turn of the shoulders and hips during the backswing. A solid rotation not only promotes consistent ballstriking, but lays the foundation for achieving maximum distance as well.
Unfortunately, instead of utilizing a level turn to increase the quality of their shots, many amateurs execute a poor turn either by lifting, tilting or swaying during the backswing. Any one of these motions will not only move the club off the proper plane, but destroy three key angles established on the right side at address. These angles, formed at the right shoulder, hip and knee, must be maintained in order to deliver the club powerfully into the back of the golf ball. Watch any power hitter and you’ll see that, at the top, the shoulders are turned, but level.
The easiest way to keep your right-side angles in order is to keep your right side as quiet as possible during the takeaway. You can ill afford to get too active in the takeaway. In other words, you must teach yourself to become left-side dominant during the backswing.
A good drill is to take practice swings at half speed with the left arm only, focusing on making a level turn with the shoulders and hips. Stop at the top of the backswing to see that your right-side angles have been maintained. If so, you’re primed for power.
Former two-time long drive champ Art Sellinger represents the Four Seasons Resort and Club at Las Colinas in Irving, Texas.
Resource: golftipsmag
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